Hillary Clinton als commander in chief

Eigentlich geht es bei Hillary Clinton nur noch um einen Aspekt: Erfahrung.

Das beinhaltet ihre angebliche Befähigung, Oberbefehlshaber zu sein.nsa_logo.jpg

Craig Gregg, der ehemalige Berater von Bill Clinton, der im laufenden Wahlkampf Barack Obama unterstützt, liefert nun trockene Argumente gegen die mutmaßliche Erfahrung von Hillary Clinton in Sachen nationaler Sicherheit:

  • The fact is she did not sit in on national security meetings.
  • She did not have a security clearance.
  • She did not attend meetings in the situation room.
  • She conducted no negotiations.
  • She did not manage any part of the national security bureaucracy.
  • She did not have her own national security staff.That’s the fact. Now the experience that she did have — watching and sometimes sitting in the room where discussions were going on and also meeting heads of state and foreign ministers — that is good experience, and it’s invaluable to understanding how the world works when it comes to international organizations as well as international negotiations.

Beim Zuhören kann man Einiges lernen, lernen wir daraus. Where’s the beef?

— Bigdaddy

(Logo: NSA)

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