Obama: Vom Verfolger zum Favoriten

UPDATE 18.02.2008

Es ist soweit: Obama hat sich landesweit vor Clinton geschoben!



Beinahe ist es soweit. Eine landesweite Umfrage von GALLUP zeigt: Nur noch ein Prozentpunkt trennt ihn von der bislang als unangreifbare Favoritin geltenden Hillary Clinton


( Grafiken: Gallup )

Craig Crawford schreibt:

For the first time in the longest presidential campaign ever, Hillary Rodham Clinton has undeniably lost frontrunner status for the Democratic nomination.

Barack Obama’s sizable primary victories on Tuesday in Virginia, Maryland and the District of Columbia put him out front for both pledged delegates and unpledged superdelegates at the party’s nominating convention this summer.

A new round of national polls showing the disappearance of Clinton’s once-hefty lead among Democrats also supports the notion that Obama is no longer the challenger, but the man to beat. Add his fundraising advantage and high-profile endorsements to the mix and you would think that Clinton might as well pack up the pantsuits and head back to Capitol Hill.

— Schlesinger

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