Michael Moore sehnt sich nach Al Gore – und stichelt

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Mit dem Beginn der Primaries und caucuses vermisst Michael Moore Al Gore in der aktuellen Kandidatenliste. Er würde an ihn aber den hohen Maßstab legen, den John Edwards mit seiner äußerst scharfen Kritik an er Industrie vorgelegt hat (s.u.).

Dass Gore nicht mehr mitmachen möchte in der niederen, hohen Politik, kann Moore verstehen, aber die Welt damit retten zu wollen, nur die Glühbirnen zu tauschen, sei doch ein bisschen wenig:

“I am not endorsing anyone at this point. This is simply how I feel in the first week of the process to replace George W. Bush. For months I’ve been wanting to ask the question, “Where are you, Al Gore?” You can only
polish that Oscar for so long. And the Nobel was decided by Scandinavians! I don’t blame you for not wanting to enter the viper pit again after you already won. But getting us to change out our incandescent light bulbs for some irritating fluorescent ones isn’t going to save the world. All it’s going to do is make us more agitated and jumpy and feeling like once we get home we haven’t really left the office.

On second thought, would you even be willing to utter the words [of John Edwards]:
I absolutely believe to my soul that this corporate greed and corporate power has an ironclad hold on our democracy“? “Cause the candidate who understands that, and who sees it as the root of all evil — including the root of global warming — is the President who may lead us to a place of sanity, justice and peace.”

Pointiert wie immer, und vielleicht nicht völlig daneben. Hierzu müsste sich Al Gore einmal konkreter äußern.

— Schlesinger

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