Osterhase in Gaza ist tot

Göttin Ostara mit Hase

[en. version below]

Es war einmal ein Osterhase,
mit Namen Goliath.

Er lebte auf seinem kargen Acker nahe Gaza,
wo er seine Karotten säte, erntete und aß.

Goliath war ein großer Hase von schlichtem Gemüt,
und trotz widriger Umstände meist guter Dinge.

Nur manchmal zogen dunkle Wolken über ihn,
wenn er sich daran erinnerte, wie er einst
auf grüneren Böden lebte und fröhlicher war.

Furcht kannte Goliath nur, wenn er David sah.
David war der Grundbesitzer, der ihm schon mehrfach
mit der schweren Schaufel nachgestellt hatte.

Der Osterhase mußte aber seiner Pflicht nachkommen,
denn seine Zeit war jetzt – an Ostern.

Also packte Goliath seine sieben Sachen,
und marschierte guter Dinge aus seinem Bau.

Als Hase war Goliath gut darin war,
Dinge am Himmel sehen zu können:
Mit Falken und Habichten war nicht zu spaßen.

Dieser Schatten aber war für Goliath zu schnell.
Die Drohne schlug direkt neben dem Osterhasen ein
und zerschmetterte ihn in Tausend Stücke.

David stand in einiger Entfernung,
und war guter Dinge.

Befragt, warum er den Osterhasen erledigt hat,
meinte David, er habe genau erkannt,
dass dieser Hase anders war als die anderen,
daher habe er gewußt, dass er Goliath mit Namen hieß,
dass Goliath sich zur Tarnung unter die anderen begeben hätte,
aber dass er – David – ihn sofort wieder erkannt habe,
als er aus dem Bau kam.

Da der Osterhase etwas Gefährliches auf dem Rücken trug,
hatte David den Feuerbefehl erteilt.

Kein Osterhase mehr
in Gaza.

— Schlesinger

PS.: This seems to be a harsh story, don’t you think so? But hearing the latest news from Gaza, where dozends were shot dead, and many many hundred were injured, I’d say that reality is much more brutal than this story which is just a produce of my helpless disgust. And how could someone outperform the cold-hearted, mean explanations presented by the charming speaker-lady of the Israeli Defence Force? She smiled into the camera and talked about the palestinian terrorists, and that Israels military intelligence service knows every single one (!) by name, and thats why they have been killed.
And the earnest news-man of Germanys „Tagesschau“ yesterday just parroted, that Israel now proved that it is willing to defend its borders.

My recommendation: Read „Breaking the silence“ and learn about the simple truth that soldiers of the most moral army of the world time and again just loves to shoot people, including innocent old people, woman and youngsters.

Bild: Göttin Ostara (Wikipedia, gemeinfrei)

No Easter Bunny in Gaza

Once upon a time there was an Easter bunny
with the name Goliath.

He lived on his barren field near Gaza,
where he sowed, harvested and ate his carrots.

Goliath was a big bunny of simple mind,
and despite adverse circumstances mostly in good humour.

Only sometimes dark clouds moved over him,
when he remembered how he once
lived on greener soils and was happier.

Goliath only knew fear when he saw David.
David was the landlord who has threatened him several times
with the heavy shovel.

But the Easter bunny had to fulfill his duty
because his time was now – at Easter.

So Goliath packed his gears,
and marched happily out of his burrow.

As a hare, Goliath was good at it
to see things in the sky soon:
With hawks and falcons cannot be joked.

But this shadow was too fast for Goliath.
The drone knocked in right next to the Easter Bunny
and shattered him into a thousand pieces.

David was standing at a distance,
and was in good spirits.

Asked why he did finish the Easter bunny off,
David said he knew exactly
that this rabbit was different from the others,
so he knew that his name was Goliath,
that Goliath would have camouflaged himself among the others,
but that he – David – recognized him immediately,
when he came out of the construction.

Since the Easter bunny had carried something dangerous on his back,
David had given the order to fire.

No Easter bunny anymore
in Gaza.

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