Konferenz von Evian 1938 (Teil 4)

Konferenz von Evian
Trügerische Kulisse: Schweizer Kurort Evian

Palestine Post


EVIAN, Saturday (R. & Palcor). — It was unanimously agreed at the International Refugees conference here today to establish an International Organization in London, for the purpose of coordinating the future work on the problem of immigrants.

After a session this morning, the conference adjourned until Monday. It had previously been suggested to establish the new office in Paris. It was decided by the conference to submit representations to the German Government with a view to the latter granting permission to German refugees to take a larger quantity of capital out of the country.

At today’s session, the New Zealand representative said that his Government had already received a limited number of refugees and was prepared to receive further applications. But the number would have to be governed by economic conditions.

The High Commissioner for German and Other Refugees said that the New Zealand Government had expressed its readiness to make the immigration conditions easier.

There still remained 30,000 refugees for disposal.

Dr. Ruppin’s Evidence

Dr. Arthur Ruppin, of Jerusalem, yesterday appeared on behalf of the Jewish Agency Executive before the sub-committee of Government representatives, which has been receiving delegates of various Jewish and non-Jewish organizations.

Dr. Ruppin officially submitted the Jewish Agency’s memorandum and a special pamphlet with a statistical table. He briefly surveyed the achievements in Palestine for German Jewish immigrants in conformity with the plan adopted by the Zionist Congress in 1933, and emphasized that this had been possible because the immigrants had been able to transfer their means from Germany.

The future possibility of absorption in Palestine would he great, he added, if only immigrants were able to come with means.

New “Transfer”

He formulated figures showing the trends of emigration and the necessity for the saving of 200,000 German Jews and 100,000 Austrian Jews, and stressed the necessity of negotiations with the German Government for an appropriate “Transfer” arrangement.

Finally, Dr. Ruppin asked the Committee not to confine its activity to German refugees only but to consider the problem of Eastern Europe.

The sub-committee, which is under the chairmanship of the Australian delegate, Mr. White, heard Dr. Ruppin’s statement with deep interest and thanked him for valuable information and suggestions.

Other members on this body represent America, Britain, France, the Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland and Haiti.

Arab Protest

Telegrams protesting against the proposal to open Palestine for Jewish refugees from Central Europe have been sent to the Evian Conference by the Palestine Defence Committee of Damascus and by the “Arab Womens Committee“. The Arabs must not be made to suffer for the mistakes committed by European nations, it is stated in the message.

Weitere Meldungen der Palestine Post von diesem Tag

Palästina / Arabischer Aufstand

In Jerusalem gab es einen Bombenanschlag, bei dem vier Araber ums Leben kamen und 27 verletzt wurden. Arabische Zeugen beschuldigten den 17-jährigen Juden Eliahu Mashali und einen gewissen Jack Mizrahi.

Anmerkung: Wie im letzten Beitrag berichtet, riefen die politisch maßgeblichen jüdischen Kräfte in Palästina ihre Landsleute zur Zurückhaltung während des arabischen Aufstandes auf. Das hinderte die radikalen jüdischen Untergrund-Organisationen wie die Irgun Zwai Le’umi (aka Etzel) oder die Stern-Gruppe nicht daran Anschläge gegen Araber durchzuführen.

Deutsches Reich

  • Unter Androhung von Haftstrafe von einem Jahr ist den jüdischen Bürgern im Deutschen Reich ab sofort verboten, Geld- oder Immobiliengeschäfte zu betreiben, Detekteien zu leiten oder Hochzeitsveranstalter außerhalb des jüdischen Umfelds zu sein
  • Das Bankhaus Goldmann & Söhne in Hamburg wurde in das kürzlich ebenfalls “arisierte” Bankhaus Warburg & Co. integriert
  • In England berichtete der ins Exil gegangene bayerische Prinz Hubertus zu Löwenstein, dass sich seit Beginn des Jahres in Österreich 7.000 Juden das Leben genommen haben

— Schlesinger

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