Blogeintrag auf
“From your mouth to the gods’ ears, Michael [ that Al will run ]. I hope Al will
heed the call.”
“Yes, an Al Gore candidacy would serve to restore some hope for the U.S. that we
can right the past. We can learn what a Gore presidency would have been like and
we can go forward with new vision. None of the current candidates is right for
America. Please step forward Mr Gore.”
“Right on brother!!!!!!”
Blogeintrag auf Netroots for Gore:
“As promised, here’s the Raw Story article about the new Draft Gore
site from Germany. I don’t know of any other candidate who has half
as much international acclaim as Gore.”
“Great to know [ about the site ]
you are out there and that Germans feel the same way we Canadians do!
Al Gore as Democratic nominee, and even more so once he s president,
will instantly restore American honour in the eyes of the world!”
“All of us outside American borders will be holding our breath until the 12th of
October!” [ Bekanntgabe der Verleihung des Friedensnobelpreises ]
— Claudia