Wird John McCain zum Wendehals ?

Der “Maverick” scheint es mit der Geradlinigkeit nicht mehr so zu haben, wie man es früher von ihm gewohnt war. Nun ja, es geht ums Weisse Haus und es geht um seine letzte Chance, dorthin zu gelangen.

Der DailyKos liefert zu einigen zentralen Themen eine kurze Zusammenstellung zu seiner bisherigen und aktuellen Positionen:


    In 2001, McCain voted against Bush’s tax cuts, saying “I cannot in good conscience support a tax cut in which so many of the benefits go to the most fortunate among us, at the expense of middle-class Americans who most need tax relief.” He also voted against additional tax cuts in 2003, later saying that “I just thought it was too tilted to the wealthy, and I still do.”Today, McCain wants to make those tax cuts permanent.


    In 2005, McCain supported comprehensive immigration reform, which included a pathway to citizenship.Now, he claims that “if his original proposal came to a vote on the Senate floor, he would not vote for it.”

Abtreibung (Präzedenzfall Roe vs. Wade) …

    In 1999, McCain said that he would not support overturning Roe v. Wafe “int he sort term, or even the long term,” because that would “force X number of women in America” to undergo “illegal and dangerous operations.”Today, McCain has campaigned on overturning Roe v. Wade.

Über Donald Rumsfeld

    In 2004, McCain refused to call for Rumsfeld’s resignation, saying that Bush “can have the team around him that he wants around him.” In 2006, retired generals called for Rumseld’s resignation, but McCain did not.Now, while running for president, McCain has claimed that “I’m the only one that said that Rumsfeld had to go.” The article notes that “[t]he campaign has since acknowledged that Mr. McCain was incorrect, and more recently the senator has stopped short of claiming he called for the defense secretary’s ouster.”

Über Folter

    McCain has traditionally been against torture, citing his experience as a POW for his decision.Now, McCain voted last month “against a bill that would require the Central Intelligence Agency to abide by the restrictions on interrogating prisoners outlined in the Army Field Manual.”

Sollte der Haudegen auf seine alten Tage zum Umfaller, zum Opportunisten werden?

Es wäre schade um ihn. Die längste Zeit seines Politikerlebens war er ein Unikum.

— Schlesinger

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