Now, what is the Israeli position?

Im Sechstagekrieg von 1967 hat Israel Ägypten angegriffen.

Syrien und Jordanien griffen in die Kämpfe ein. Im Verlauf des Kriegs konnte Israel sein Staatsgebiet erheblich vergrößern. Es besetzte Ost-Jerusalem, die Westbank, Gaza und die syrischen Golanhöhen. Nach dem Krieg begann die Besiedlung der Westbank mit jüdischen Siedlungen.

Memo for Pres. Johnson about Israel
Memo for Pres. Johnson about Israel

Im Dezember des folgenden Jahres 1968 telegrafierte Eugene Rostow, der Sonderberater des US Präsidenten, an Lyndon B. Johnson, und berichtete über anhaltend aggressives und provokantes Verhalten der israelischen Armee auf dem Sinai und am Jordan-Fluss:

Now, what is the Israeli position?

Are there any real positive changes in her position?

One should state, that, in fact, there are no such changes.

Moreover, the Israeli forces do not cease armed provocations in the areas of the Suez Canal and Jordan River;

public statements by the leaders of Tel-Aviv testify to the fact that expansionist mood influences more and more the policy of Israel.

The basic question of the Middle Eastern settlement is, undoubtedly, the necessity of complete withdrawal of Israeli forces from the Arab territories seized by them.

[…] remarks by Mr. Tekoah [Israels Repräsentant bei den UN, Anm.] in this conversation do not show any reasonableness and soberness on the part of the Israelis […]

Moscow would like to hope that the US Government understands to what dangerous consequences could lead in the long run such a defiant behavior of Israel.

The Arab countries show their readiness for a peaceful settlement and for contributing constructively to its achievement.

At the same time one should keep in mind that in the circumstances of the continued aggression on the part of Israel the Arab countries, naturally, have taken and are taking maximum efforts to strengthen their military power. And nobody can blame them for doing so in the face of such a position of Israel.In Israel, and not only in Israel, one can hear arguments to the effect that time, perhaps, works for Israel and therefore they could be in no hurry with the settlement on the conflict.

This is a dangerous delusion.

And if Israel does not show prudence, one can not exclude any surprises, such a turn of events that would be not only contrary to the interests of the Middle Eastern countries, naturally including Israel, but also would create a situation of crisis extending beyond the limits of that area.

Die Einschätzung und Warnung von Eugene Rostow war vollkommen zutreffend.

Tatsächlich lehnte Israel alle ägyptischen Friedensgesuche ab. Man war schliesslich Sieger. Das führte direkt zum Yom-Kippur-Krieg von 1973.

— Schlesinger

Photo: Croes, Rob C. / Anefo[1] Dutch National Archives, The Hague, Fotocollectie Algemeen Nederlands Persbureau (ANEFO), 1945-1989
CC BY-SA 3.0 nl

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