Obama: All hat, no cattle ?

Hillary Clinton hat nun vor allem die wichtige Wahl in Texas und Ohio vor Augen, bei der es um viele Delegiertenstimmen geht. Daher hat sie sich die letzten Tage verstärkt um Texas gekümmert. Einmal mehr versucht sie ihren vermeintlichen Vorteil “Erfahrung” auszuspielen und prägte daher das auf das Viehland Texas abgestimmte Wort “all hat no cattle”, also “er hat zwar einen großen Cowboyhut, aber leider keine Herde”, zu deutsch “große Klappe und nichts dahinter”.

An folgenden Gesetzgebungen war Barack Obama unmittelbar beteiligt:

  • Bill to expand the Nunn-Lugar Nuclear Nonproliferation — buy and destroy around 750,000 shoulder to air missiles that can hit commercial and civilian planes.
  • Bill to addressing the issue of false-positives in Genetic Testing — this is almost statistical hypothesis area. (try selling this as a TV talking point).
  • Bill to finance and organize preparedness efforts against Avian Flu — not just in the US, but SE Asia as well.
  • Bill on chemical plant security.
  • Bill to prevent lead paint poisoning in children.
  • Bill to enable automakers to get Federal assistance in health care in exchange for investing in fuel-efficient cars.
  • Bill to develop early disclosure programs for medical errors — an effort at Tort reform. (U.a. zusammen mit Hillary Clinton…)
  • Bill to make release of personal information by tax-preparers illegal.
  • Bill to revamp Ethics Oversight — in essence, the Congress would no longer police themselves on Ethical Oversight issues. (Anybody seen Charlie Wilson’s War — coke snorting, womanizing and terribly fun Charlie Wilson ends up on the Ethics Oversight committee )
  • Bill to oversee FEMA spending on Katrina.
  • Bill to provide mental care (to treat amongst other, post traumatic stress disorder) to returning Army Veterans.
  • Bill to prevent voter intimidation and deceptive practises — all allegations to be investigated by the Attorney General.
  • Bill for lobbying reform — forcing all bills to be made available 72 hours prior to vote. If you remember the Patriot Act was printed at midnight and voted the next day with few members actually reading it — including Mrs. Clinton.
  • Bill to help low-income children by extending the Child Tax Credit to Katrina victims. (70 billion USD tax cut)
  • Bill to ban no-bid FEMA contracts
  • Bill to create a public database of all pork spending
  • The Fuel Economy Reform Act — raise standards across the US that would result in reduced oil consumption of 1.3million barrels per day by 2015.
  • Hier ein negatives Positiv für besagtes Sprichwort:


    Die Strategie Hillary Clintons in Bezug auf ihre vermeintlich größere Erfahrung könnte sich ohnehin schneller als erwartet verflüchtigen, denn wie der Existenzialist und Schwergewichts-Champion Mike Tyson formulierte:

    “The best fight plan in the world only lasts until you take the first punch in the face.”

    — Schlesinger

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